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World Cup Prediction Game

It won't be long now until we can really get excited about the World Cup again. Do you also want to get even more excited with every game? Then taking part in our World Cup prediction game is a great way to do so.

In the following article, we will explain to you exactly how the registration works, which rules you have to observe and how you can place the best bet. But first, let's start by explaining the game in a little more detail.

What is a World Cup prediction game?

In the World Cup prediction game, you bet on our online platform on the results you expect for the World Cup. Do you think that Germany will win the first match at 2:0? Then enter this result in the prediction game. If this result actually happens, you will receive points in the World Cup prediction game. The more results you guess correctly, the more points you will receive.

These points are added up during the soccer tournament, and the person who has the most points at the end is the winner and gets to boast right along with the title. This is especially fun together with friends and colleagues. It can even be played for the purpose of team building at your office, even if you are working from home.

How does the registration work?

The registration is very simple. All you need is an account at www.tournamentsoccer.us. After you have entered your name, password, and email, you will receive an email for verification. After that, you can start predicting right away without any waiting time.

As you can see, it's fast, easy, and free. Now add your friends and colleagues. This guarantees an exciting world cup and something fun to talk about.

This is how the prediction community works in the World Cup prediction game

After logging in, you'll find "My Prediction" in blue on your page, showing how far along you are in guessing all the World Cup matches. Initially, this number will show 0%, but the more results you enter and save, the higher the percentage will reflect your progress. This makes it very handy to not forget to bet on all matches.

Under "My prediction," you will then find all matches listed chronologically, both group matches and knockout matches. You are required to submit all your predictions for the entire tournament before the start of the tournament. After, you're still able to make changes for the knockout stage. After that, no changes can be made to your bet.

Once the groups have been drawn, you should also place or change all your bets right away. You start with the group matches and then work your way through to the knockout phase. For the knockout stage, you'll first have to pick the teams you think will finish first or second in their group. After that, enter your tip on the outcome of the respective match there as well.

How are the points calculated?

A number of factors are used to calculate the points. As per the rule, the more 'correct' your prediction, the more points you will receive after the match. A maximum of 90 points per game is possible. You will receive these points if you predict a game completely correctly.

A prediction of the correct winner is worth 48 points. The correct number of goals scored by the two teams is worth 15 points each, and for the correct goal difference, you will receive another 12 points. So, in total, the maximum number of points you can get per match is the 90 points mentioned.

In the knockout stage, you can add more points if you correctly guess which team will qualify and in which position. For the round of 16, for example, you can earn an additional 65 points each if you correctly guess the first and second of a group. Is your first team, unfortunately, only the second? Then you still get 35 points. You can find more examples on the rules page.

Create a safe prediction community for the World Cup prediction game

The World Cup prediction game is most fun with friends and colleagues. For this purpose, you can also create your own prediction group, to which you can then invite them. This is also quick and easy. All you have to do is choose the right name, and you're ready to go.

The advantage of a betting group is that you can see all participants of the group on one page and thus have a clear overview of who is currently in which place in the prediction group. It is also possible to write messages in the group and thus keep everyone up to date.

The group can be public to everyone or can be changed to private. A private group can be entered by invitation only. This is especially useful if you want to create an exclusive group for friends or colleagues. You have all the options here to set up a prediction game experience personalized to you.

Tips for a successful World Cup prediction game

Whether prediction in a public group or in a private group with friends and colleagues, you should take advantage of all the benefits that are available to you. For example, it can be very useful to look at the historically most frequent soccer results in a World Cup tournament. This will give you a good starting point, especially if you are not that knowledgeable about soccer.

Another tip is to look at prediction odds on the matches. These often reflect the current strength of a team very well. After all, prediction odds are created by absolute professionals because betting companies are always looking for an edge. But even these can be wrong from time to time. There are even people who swear by analyzes in Excel in the World Cup betting game.

Conclusion: You can have a lot of fun with the prediction game

Our World Cup prediction game can be a lot of fun, especially if you invite friends and colleagues to the game. Registration is quick and free, so there's no reason not to give it a try. Moreover, you can set whether your prediction group should be public or private if you prefer to play in a small circle.

The World Cup only happens every four years, so you shouldn't miss this opportunity. Whether in the office or with friends at the garden party, an exciting topic of conversation is guaranteed by the World Cup prediction game.

Register now and participate in our World Cup prediction game!


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